Liljas' Garden
Fuchsia |
The Fuchsia plants are very decorative with their elegant flowers hanging in clusters and colours ranging from white to red or purple. We plant the fuchsias in hanging flowerpots or in pots on the ground in arrangements in partially shady and also a little windy locations. They bloom in summer until late autumn. During the winter every plant dies almost completely. At that point they will require pruning and are stored free from frost. During spring they are multiplied by cuttings.
La Fucsia è una pianta
molto decorativa grazie ai suoi eleganti fiori penduli a grappolo che variano in
colori dal bianco al rosso u viola. È preferibile collocare i vasi in cui
viene piantata in posizione semiombreggiata e ventilata. Fiorisce d'estate e d'autunno. Invece durante l'inverno la pianta muore quasi completamente e a
quel punto sarà necessaria una potatura per poi riporrla a riparo dalle
temperature sotto lo zero. |
Some of our fuchsias in
alphabetic order
![]() The colour of the flowers is changing with the light of the day. The colour of different fuchsias also changes during the life of individual flowers. The new flowers have generally stronger colour while the older are getting paler. |